Valuable Documents
While not prohibited, we strongly advise that you should not store any "Valuable Documents", including any
currency, bonds, deeds, stock certificates, IOUs, securities, or stamps; any official personal documents
(such as passports, driver's licenses, green cards, visas, birth or marriage certificates, etc.) or anything
that contains personally identifiable information, such as date of birth, social security number, mortgage
number, or a bank account number. This is not an exclusive list of Valuable Documents or personally
identifiable information. Basically, do not store anything that contains information that can be used to
steal someone's identity or a document that you may urgently need at a moment's notice. By executing this
Agreement, you understand and agree that if you go ahead and store Valuable Documents, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, you waive all rights and claims against Storagehotel arising in any way from storing these
things with Your Property.
Items of Exceptional Value
The storage of "Items of Exceptional Value" is not recommended. Any item that has a replacement value
greater than $100 CAD, or cannot be replaced at all, is considered an Item of Exceptional Value. Examples of
such items include without limitation fine art, antique furniture, autographed or special-edition books or
memorabilia, jewelry, furs, fine musical instruments, digital files, sentimental items, historical
artifacts, and all unique or rare items that cannot be replaced or whose value substantially exceeds the
cost of a similar new item.
Digital Files
We strongly recommend that you make and retain copies of any digital files before storing them in
Storagehotel on hard drives, flash drives, memory sticks, Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, or any other digital storage
media. Storagehotel is not responsible for the loss or corruption of digital files under any circumstances.